The Sequel to The Children of Zol

Courteous Reader. This is a story about a man and a cast of strange characters who find themselves caught in an adventure mystery.

For reference, the hero of the story is the alleged author of The Children of Zol which is a Novella about a culture of people who have become addicted to their electronic devices. The Children of Zol can be accessed by following the link on the right or by clicking here.

Many thanks for reading!

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Chapter Three. The Trouble with Fantasy

The Trouble with Fantasy

Have you ever flown to China? Long trip.

"Thank God they put me in business class," he told himself as he snuggled with the snifter of cognac, reclined in full layout position. "Man, this is the way to fly."

So it always goes on the first two or three hours of international flights, if you're lucky enough to be in First Class or Business Class. By the way, on trips to China, business class is equivalent or exceeds what is passed off for First Class now on domestic trips. "Oh yeah," Derby thought to himself as he enjoyed the amenities of Flight 1622 to Hong Kong with a stop in Beijing.

Starting about at hour four though, no convenience seems to cover up the fact that you want down. Mommy put me down. I want to walk or go to sleep or not have to go through security again or wait for a car at the terminal or whatever else is about to happen after 15 more hours of Hell.

But his fears soon faded. Seems the brandy and the music and the new leg room which goes with Pan Francisco Airlines new business class program had all added up to a lovely little new sum. You see...Derby plus XO Cognac in snifters plus Mozart plus really really nice airline bed making business class seating plus 1500 thread count Egyptian Cotton bedding equals night night Derby Doo. See you in Hong Kong.

And so it went. It was 11:20 pm Hong Kong time.

"Mr. Ripley. Mr. Ripley. Mr. Ripley, wake up. We've arrived. Time to deplane."

"Deplane?" He was so disoriented. All he could think of was that little creepy midget dude saying De Plane! De Plane!"

"Arrived Beijing?" He was looking for his watch. He was all tangled up in lovely quilt and pillows and someone had strapped seat belt things to him.

Audience aside:

Have you ever heard about Pan Francisco Airlines? The merger took place toward the end of last year. Have I told you what year we're in? Sorry Reader, I think not. It is 2013. February 4, 2013 to be exact. In case you were wondering, nothing too dramatic happened within these last few months. Well Obama was re-elected...Thank Zol...I mean God. And Sarah Impalen is standing trial for inciting violence by voters. Seems too many people starting using her website map which identifies key democratic senate seats with rifle target symbols as actual targets with their real life rifles.

No, turns out December 2012 was no end time. Oh, one other thing. They DID find the rest of the Mayan Calendar. It now goes all the way until March  20, 20,205. But then it seems to stop again. Or maybe around then we'll find new clues to an extended calendar or whatever. But yeah...Pan Francisco Airlines is a good company. Really really great seating in business class.

Back to the story...

"No sir. We're in Hong Kong. We thought about waking you in Beijing, but we put you in take off position and back to full recline after we reached cruising altitude and you never flinched. So, welcome to Hong Kong! Our Captain asked us to inform you that Mr. Scoville notified the president of Pan Fran that you'll be met at the gate. We've informed baggage claim to bring your luggage to our valet service. If your driver doesn't have them before you pull out of the terminal, we'll send them to the Penninsula."

Derby was starting to snap out of it.

"I've been asleep for...wait a minute. What time is it again?" He was feeling around for his glasses. Surely the time couldn't be...

"It is 11:20 pm Hong Kong time. Yes you've been asleep for about 15 hours. Nearly everyone on the plane joined the raffle. The winner won $1,200 by guessing you would sleep all the way."

"Sending my bags to the Peninsula?"

He was scratching his head and thinking, "These people know where I'm staying?"

Just then a very handsome young lady in business dress appeared next to the flight attendant.

"Mr. Ripley. Jeninqua Florentine. How do you do?"

He squinted. "Is that someone's name? really?," he wondered. He continued thinking to himself, "Wow, she's beautiful." Then he asked her, "Jeninqua? What is that American Indian?"

"We'll see you on the other side handsome," spoke the lady. For a fraction of a second he contemplated her words. He noticed he felt a little noxious. Then dizzy. Then he was out.

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