You're Nuts If You Think I'm Going to Touch Them
Derby wasn't quite sure what the feeling was that overtook him. It was a certain melancholy, or indigestion, or maybe he was just tired and missed his family. But something was gurgling as he looked up in the sky and noticed the sun and clouds and clear sky.
The intensity of Earth's star did stuff to him. For one, the luminence was more than the eyes could handle, so he had to squint. When he did, his other senses were more acute and he felt the heat on his neck and face. That glow triggered a chain of other reactions. He smiled at the sound of sweet bird songs. Each exposed follicle of his skin basked in the resplendence of solar energy.
His being was raised up and out of himself except he noticed the swirling waves of activity below his abdomen in his sexual area. "Alive!," he thought to himself. And then again with even more enthusiasm he reminded whoever it was who was listening to his voice which was talking to it, "I'm ALIVE!"
Derby had to make an effort to look from a place which seemed to be outside of his own body, back into the region below his belly button. "It is actually in my balls," he said to himself with a note of surprise. "What is it?," he questioned.
The motion was spiraling. There was a heat to it. As he watched it and bore down his attention to that spark...that humm, Derby noticed it seemed to emit strings of vibration in two directions. One, more prominent oscillation was up and in the shaft of his phallus. The other, more subtle energy, seemed to run back, through his anus toward the base of his spine.
As Derby felt the vascilation between his Spirit BEING, outside of his physical body, and the primal energy stirring in his genitalia, he then started studying the relationship between his animal self and his soul. "Which is the primary being?," he heard one voice asking one listener. And then recognizing that, he spotted the circumstance of the age old realization of DUALITY.
Without much delay, there was an answer but Derby was put on alert. The quick response, was "The body houses the Spirit."
"But surely the soul is the host of the party!," came the follow-up from one of Derby's selves to the other.
Then the same voice which had recognized that, added, "and this is a third eye, which watches the conversation."
Derby hadn't once wondered about Shrinegold in those few moments of reflection, as the sun shined and his sexual power surged. Naturally, the whole of the event was only a fraction of a moment. But the moment was soon interrupted when a force jerked Derby out of his meditation and jettisoned him away from the lair and the crisp light of day.
"Come my man," said the vaguely familiar voice. "Time to get back to your balls!"
"See you soon my boy," Derby heard Shrinegold yell, as if it was a trailing voice, growing further and further distant from some narrowing tunnel, leading to Derby knew not where.
A loud wind sound howled as Derby felt himself being pulled along by a mysterious force. He was once again in that odd "limbo" state where he couldn't quite put a finger on his location or his physical presence. As the noise grew louder there was a tightening of pressure which felt as if he was being squeezed into something. Then all of a sudden, as if he burst through one dimension and left another behind, Derby felt himself fall into the back seat of the limo which he had occupied on the way to meeting Opie and later Umpa.
As before, Howard was driving the long Mercedez, but this time Opie was in the front seat with Howard. Seated in the lounge of the limo was Fredalnte Muscovito, or "Fred" as Derby had called him in the earlier chapters of the adventure.
When Derby came flying into the limo through some mysterious portal, the black and white marbles had reappeared in his right hand, just as they had been in those moments of the ride from before. Only this time, instead of going to meet Opie at the Festival and instead of talking with Fred on the car phone, they were now in the car with him.
"May I feel your balls?," Fred asked.
Derby was adjusting to the change of scenery. It wasn't necessarily that he was freaked about the flight in limbo or bursting in from another dimension, or being back in the limo like he had never left, or finding new/old faces here waiting for him. He had grown accustomed to strange circumstances since he arrived in Hong Kong.
What was taking some getting used to was that it appeared now that Fredalnte was going to take on the role of teacher. Derby hadn't decided yet that he liked Fred or trusted him. It was Fred after all that burst in on the hotel scene when Derby was figuring out what to do as a naked stranger in the presence of the beautiful naked Jeninqua.
Now Fred wanted to feel Derby's balls. Derby had mixed feelings about this.
"Will you be gentle?," Derby asked the suave passenger.
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